Rays of Consciousness

Insight into who I am? Hmm, one of my dearest friends said, "You need to get your t.v. watchin, greenery smokin, feline lovin, tree-huggin, no meat eatin, Goddess-adoring butt out of that bed and get to school! You hear me?!?" Of course I mumble and grumble in protest, mornings aren't my bag.

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

LARRY! I HAVE A BONE TO PICK WITH YOU! I went to Texas for a few days recently and indeed we did partake of this 'glorious tex-mex' you ranted so much about now and then and all I can say is:

All the spices, salsa and whatnot are made so that 'white folks' can tolerate eating it. I had to pour alot of that pepper sauce that comes in a little jar on the table to make it even more hotter to what I believe is "MEX-STYLE"
Tsk tsk tsk tsk.


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