Rays of Consciousness

Insight into who I am? Hmm, one of my dearest friends said, "You need to get your t.v. watchin, greenery smokin, feline lovin, tree-huggin, no meat eatin, Goddess-adoring butt out of that bed and get to school! You hear me?!?" Of course I mumble and grumble in protest, mornings aren't my bag.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

An Imbolc Poem

Our Consciousness found in a blanket of sleep
We've fallen captive to Winters' keep

But hark, the Goddess Brigid emerges!
Bringing the magick of potential awakenings
In Her presence, light evelops all things in sight
And causes all shadowy beings to take flight

She shoots a fiery arrow, sends it flying
And Winters' stranglehold begins dying
When the arrow lands, transformation rumbles
Our souls unfurl, spiral and tumble

Renewing our commitments under Brigid's seal
We experience the brightest turning of the Wheel!


  • At 12:26 PM, Blogger C said…

    Blessed Be Nature is the gift from the Goddess. Embrace Mother Earth.

  • At 12:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Its a beautiful poem. Something is stirring inside me and I feel more awakened. The dead of winter grip is finally letting go. Let's play, play, play! Laugh, Dance and Rejoice! :) Much love and good energy going to you and to all Mother Earth's children. :)

  • At 2:02 PM, Blogger billy said…

    merry meet! this is a beautiful poem, and am still learning about each sabbat, and this one is interesting... oh how much i am looking forward for the spring to come! more light coming our way soon! hugs xoxo

  • At 10:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Nice punkin!


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