Rays of Consciousness

Insight into who I am? Hmm, one of my dearest friends said, "You need to get your t.v. watchin, greenery smokin, feline lovin, tree-huggin, no meat eatin, Goddess-adoring butt out of that bed and get to school! You hear me?!?" Of course I mumble and grumble in protest, mornings aren't my bag.

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Well I'm really gonna do it I've scheduled the V.R. appointment and an appointment to see the school and get a tour of it down in Austin. I actually made the appointment not realizing until later that it's the same day the school starts up for the Fall trimesters. Cool to see the campus in action then. All I have left now is to schedule appointments to see studio/one bedroom apartments. Definitely all close to the school I want to go to. Larry email me some contact info of your deaf friends familiar with Austins queer community I'd appreciate learning from one or more sources firsthand what it's like there over coffee. I look forward to visiting 6th Street and if I travel with Lessy, Hippy Hollow. Definetely won't want to visit Hippy Hollow with my Dad from Dallas! It's up in the air who I'm traveling with or if I travel there alone. Any way it works out is fine with me. If I go alone I'd stay at a hostel near the school, learn the bus routes, and just enjoy being there while I can. Lessy says there is a bridge where many bats live and I thought to myself that'd be so cool to see, along with a grrlie bar or two she knows of.

Don't have too much else to say at the moment other than I'm excited and nervous about this upcoming trip...anxious even more to see where it is I make the decision to move to. I'm sick of being in limbo with that. I just want to travel to the destination that will make me be who I wanna be when I grow up!

Whatcha think folks? A tree sit-in somewhere in a Redwood forest, or riding off somewhere into a Texan sunset? Let the dice land where it may, but sheesh land already, m'kay?


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