Rays of Consciousness

Insight into who I am? Hmm, one of my dearest friends said, "You need to get your t.v. watchin, greenery smokin, feline lovin, tree-huggin, no meat eatin, Goddess-adoring butt out of that bed and get to school! You hear me?!?" Of course I mumble and grumble in protest, mornings aren't my bag.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Seize the day! Two powerful planets are facing off in the heavens right now – energetic Mars and expansive Jupiter – offering a rare opportunity that comes just once every two years.

The opposition of this dynamic duo is an astrological event that generates boundless energy. Don't be surprised if you find yourself feeling called to take action and move into new territory. Put your worries about overstepping aside. With Mars and Jupiter in your pocket, it's better to take the leap and go for it!

Also, Mercury and Venus just had a shift of energy come bearing down when in conjunction with Saturn. Mercury is responsible for communication of all kinds and how we think while Venus is responsible for feelings, matters of the heart, where we get our passion for things in life. Saturn? Whew, Saturn pushes us to take those risk-taking leaps and teaches about discipline and the will to move on. So if there's been some strange outbursts of events taking place in your life, well it's happening in the Universe as well.

Mine has been about dealing with constraint and limitation, fun fun fun! (Not) However I found when I throw myself into my paintings, the old or new, I can express freely and deal there. Whatever works huh?

If the planets are spinning, chances are you're going to be too. We are after all, interconnected. Blessings on harnessing this energy properly. Roll with the flow and see where you end up.

Monday, June 27, 2005

"Life is not about the amount of breaths you take, it's about the amount that take your breath away"

This is from the movie I saw recently called, Hitch.

I really liked this movie, a romantic comedy and a must-see if y'all haven't yet.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

JP and I. We switched hats that night because we looked better in each others' HA! This was taken right before we went out to Ms. C's.

Posted by Hello

Posted by Hello